
audiomath 1.18.3

When reporting any work in which you used audiomath, please cite:

  • Hill NJ, Mooney SWJ & Prusky GT (2021). audiomath: a neuroscientist’s sound toolkit. Heliyon 7(2):e06236. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e06236

        author  = {Hill, N. Jeremy  and  Mooney, Scott W. J.  and  Prusky, Glen T.},
        title   = {{audiomath}: a Neuroscientist's Sound Toolkit},
        journal = {Heliyon},
        volume  = {7},
        number  = {2},
        pages   = {e06236},
        month   = {February},
        year    = {2021},
        date    = {2021-02-10},
        doi     = {10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e06236},
        url     = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e06236},

audiomath is a package for Python programmers who want to record, manipulate, visualize or play sound waveforms. It allows you to:

  • Represent sounds as numeric arrays via the third-party Python package numpy (required). The arrays are contained within high-level objects, allowing common operations to be performed with minimal coding—for example: slicing and concatenation in time, selection and stacking of channels, resampling, mixing, rescaling and modulation.

  • Plot the resulting waveforms, via the third-party Python package matplotlib (optional).

  • Read and write uncompressed wav files (via the Python standard library).

  • Read other audio formats using the third-party AVbin library (binaries are included in the package, for a selection of platforms).

  • Record and play back sounds using the third-party PortAudio library (binaries are included in the package, for a selection of platforms).

  • Play sounds using the alternative PsychPortAudio back-end, from the (optional) psychtoolbox package, allowing very precise control of latency

  • Plug in other recording/playback back-ends with moderate development effort.

Indices and tables