
Compatibility and requirements

audiomath is compatible with Python 2.7, and with Python 3.3+.

For your own Python development, it is highly advisable to install a Python distribution that you keep separate from whatever distribution came with your operating system. Anaconda is a good choice for this. At any rate, we’ll assume that when we direct you to type python or pip in your Terminal app or Command Prompt, you have figured out how to ensure that the the correct distribution of Python is being addressed by these commands. On Windows, the “Anaconda Prompt” is a good shortcut to use to ensure this.

audiomath requires the third-party package numpy for almost everything it does. When you use pip to install audiomath, it will ensure numpy is installed too. On Windows, it will also install comtypes and psutil since these are used by the audiomath.SystemVolume submodule.

If you want to plot sound waveforms, you will also need the third-party package matplotlib. This is optional, so it will be left to you to python -m pip install matplotlib if you want it and do not already have it.

Similarly, you may want to install the third-party package librosa if you want to time-stretch or pitch-shift sounds.

Similarly, you may want to install the third-party package audioread which appears to provide a more flexible and reliable way of decoding audio from files than the (now obsolescent) built-in AVbin. If installed, audioread will be used in preference to AVbin.

Normal installation

To download the latest release from and install it into your Python distribution:

python -m pip install audiomath

Later, when you want to upgrade an existing installation to the latest, greatest version:

python -m pip install --upgrade audiomath --no-dependencies

Advanced installation (from version-controlled sources)

To work with the latest sources from the git repository, you will need to ensure the git command-line tool is installed, and then:

git clone
cd audiomath-gitrepo
git checkout origin/release --track   # creates local branch called `release`
git checkout master   # back to master (unless you want to stay on `release`)
python -m pip install -e .

Note the -e flag, which tells Python to install the repository as an “editable” package. The repository’s master branch is the bleeding edge, whereas the release branch replicates the releases. Use git checkout master or git checkout release to switch between them. In either case, when you want to upgrade to the latest version from the server later on:

cd audiomath-gitrepo
git fetch
git checkout master  && git merge   # update to the latest changes in the master branch
git checkout release && git merge   # update to the latest changes in the release branch
git checkout master   # (assuming you want to be working on master, go back there)